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Four In A Row

Four In A Row is a classic game that challenges players to strategically match four of their colored pieces in a row to win. With multiple gameplay modes, including 2-player mode, online multiplayer, and AI opponents with three difficulty levels, this game offers a fun and competitive experience for players of all skill levels.

About the Project:

Project Idea:

The Four In A Row game was conceived as a modern adaptation of the classic Connect Four game, providing players with various gameplay options and challenges. By offering intuitive controls, engaging visuals, and competitive gameplay mechanics, the game aims to capture the excitement and strategy of the original while adding new features and modes to enhance the player experience.



To bring Four In A Row to life, our team focused on creating intuitive gameplay mechanics, captivating visuals, and robust multiplayer functionality. We implemented a range of features, including 2-player mode for local play, online multiplayer for global competition, and AI opponents with varying difficulty levels to provide players with a challenging single-player experience.


During the implementation phase, we prioritized user experience and engagement, ensuring that the game's interface was intuitive and easy to navigate. Rigorous testing procedures were conducted to identify and address any bugs or issues, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable gaming experience for players.


Upon completion of development, the game underwent thorough quality assurance testing to ensure its stability, performance, and compatibility across different devices and platforms.


Challenges We Solved:

One of the primary challenges we faced was designing AI opponents with varying difficulty levels that could provide players with a challenging yet fair experience. Our team implemented sophisticated AI algorithms and behavior patterns to create opponents that could adapt to different player strategies and skill levels, ensuring an enjoyable single-player experience for all players.


Another challenge was implementing online multiplayer functionality to allow players to compete against each other worldwide. We developed robust networking protocols and matchmaking systems to facilitate seamless online play, enabling players to connect and compete with opponents from around the world.




The customer provided a clear vision for the game, including key features such as local 2-player mode, online multiplayer, and AI opponents with multiple difficulty levels. Key requirements included intuitive gameplay mechanics, engaging visuals, and compatibility across different devices and platforms.



To analyze the project requirements, we engaged a dedicated team of game designers and developers who conducted in-depth research and planning sessions. This involved multiple meetings to define technical specifications, develop wireframes, estimate project costs, and create user stories outlining key functionalities and interactions.



As a result of our analysis, we delivered detailed technical documentation, wireframes illustrating the game's design and functionality, accurate cost estimates, and user stories outlining the game's features and workflows.

Regardless of the size and scope of your project, following this development process will make your enterprise mobile app development initiative a success.

Technical specification

A clear and consistent technical specifications document ensures that the app works properly, and meets your expectations and business goals. For our customers, we create technical documentation during the Discovery phase to be certain we are on the same page as our clients.

Main Features of the Project:

1. Local 2-Player Mode: Challenge friends or family members to a game of Four In A Row in local multiplayer mode, providing an opportunity for face-to-face competition and social interaction.


2. Online Multiplayer: Compete against players from around the world in online multiplayer mode, with robust networking protocols and matchmaking systems to facilitate seamless matchmaking and gameplay.


3. AI Opponents: Test your skills against AI opponents with three difficulty levels, offering a challenging single-player experience for players of all skill levels.


4. Intuitive Controls: Swipe or tap to drop colored pieces onto the game board, with intuitive controls and responsive gameplay mechanics that make it easy for players to strategize and plan their moves.


5. Engaging Visuals: Immerse yourself in vibrant and colorful visuals that bring the game board to life, creating an engaging and immersive gaming experience for players.


6. Leaderboards and Achievements: Compete for the top spot on global leaderboards and unlock achievements for completing challenges and reaching milestones, adding replay value and long-term motivation for players.


High -fidelity wireframes

High-fidelity wireframes are often built in the advance stages of the design process to communicate design decisions to the development team prior to coding the final product.


Technology Stack:

  • Swift

  • UIKit 

  • GameKit

  • Core Animation

  • Core Data 

  • Game Center 

  • Xcode

Scrum process

The original estimate of the project development was 4 months, so we decided to use the scrum process. Scrum is an iterative and incremental software development methodology designed to build products faster. It uses short-time boxed development cycles (called sprints), with each sprint resulting in potentially shippable functionality delivered.

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